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英语 Major At A Glance

Do you have a genuine love of literature? 你想学习如何使用语言和叙事来理解、分析和改变世界吗? Then the 英语 major may be for you! Through reading, 写作, and close analysis, 英语专业的学生观察语言的细节,并提出关于生活的严肃问题, 历史, 艺术, and justice. 主修或辅修创意写作的学生与教师一起工作,同时尝试写小说, 诗歌, and nonfiction.



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Earn a Bachelor of 艺术 in 英语 at C艺术hage

As an 英语 major, 你将全身心地投入到英语语言的学习中, its 历史, literature (including novels, 戏剧, 诗歌, and essays), creative thought, 以及文学理论和批评——对人类经验有更深的理解.

What you will learn as an 英语 major:

  • Through extensive reading, 写作, and critical thinking, you’ll attain the skills to 艺术iculate ideas clearly, 创造性地, and persuasively.
  • By analyzing and discussing literary works, you’ll gain understanding of diverse cultures, perspectives, and historical contexts.
  • And by exchanging ideas honestly and ethically, 你将建立自我意识,并学会发展关怀社区.
  • Zoey Kurka

    “The C艺术hage faculty are amazing. My professors taught me so much and inspired me to enjoy the work I do in the classroom. The encouragement I’ve received from them has been one of my greatest helpers at college.”

  • Terrell Tremar Franklin

    “C艺术hage faculty have been really easy to talk to and approach. They are excited to see a student pursue things within their dep艺术ment and always make the time to assist students in their 职业生涯 journey.”

  • Savannah Cooks '26

    “When I came onto campus for the first time and saw the beautiful nature that surrounds C艺术hage, I knew that I wanted to stay here.”

  • Kara R. Oldham

    “I chose C艺术hage for the location, small class sizes, and the limitless opportunities to pursue your passions. The views don’t hurt either!”


It’s an increasingly multidisciplinary world, bv伟德ios下载英语课程就是基于这一点而设计的! 该专业的学生可以通过增加创意写作的重点或在中学教育中辅修,将文学研究与文学教学和写作结合起来. Or both: you decide!

Creative 写作 program
希望提高写作能力的英语专业学生可以加一个 emphasis in creative 写作. Students read and write a wide variety of fiction, non-fiction, and 诗歌 in classes that take a studio approach, 在课堂社区中独立和合作写作.

英语 and teaching licensure
许多bv伟德ios下载英语学生计划在小学、初中或高中任教. 想要教6-12年级英语的学生必须完成英语专业和a minor in early adolescence and adolescence education. 想要教1-9年级英语的学生必须在他们的教育专业之外完成英语辅修课程. bv伟德ios下载英语系与两组教育学生密切合作,以确保他们满足职业目标的要求.

学习英语的学生可以很容易地在bv伟德ios下载提供的另一个领域的学习中增加第二主修或辅修. 学生可以跟随他们的好奇心,参加反映他们独特兴趣和目标的课程组合. 以下是目前bv伟德ios下载英语学生所bv伟德ios下载的一些主要和次要配对:

Immerse yourself in an inspiring literary community

英语 students at C艺术hage are p艺术 of an active, 欢迎社区,鼓励和激励他们在他们的创造性的道路上成长. 他们与写作教员和来访的专业作家密切合作, and befriend peers in the classroom or in student clubs.

Learn from attentive 英语 professors
bv伟德ios下载的英语班平均只有不到20名学生, 所以你将有机会与你的同事建立牢固的关系 英语 professors.

Hear from professional writers
bv伟德ios下载通过我们的 访问ing Writers Series and Maxwell Conversations Series. Through these series, invited writers and scholars visit classrooms, lead workshops, and give readings and lectures. 学生有机会与艺术家见面并向他们提问, 制造商, 研究人员积极改变他们各自的领域.

P艺术icipate in student clubs
Students can also join a variety of student organizations. 在地下诗歌中探索诗歌或成为全国英语荣誉协会西格玛Tau Delta的成员. 学生们也可以加入或提交他们的作品到学院的创意艺术期刊centrque. 那些喜欢《bv伟德ios下载》的人可以考虑一下《bv伟德ios下载》, 一个每年春天聚集在一起表演莎士比亚戏剧的校园组织.

Explore the literary world through exciting courses

Many of the 英语 courses at C艺术hage are interdisciplinary, 允许学生从多个角度探索文学. Regularly offered courses include Shakespeare, Literary Genres, Film and Literature, Literature of Diversity, 和更多的. 

Through the required senior thesis, 英语专业的学生结合文学分析, historical research, 以及哲学探究,以揭示桑德拉·西斯内罗斯等作家作品的新维度, Ralph Ellison, Mary Shelley, and William Shakespeare. 每个创意写作专业的学生都会制作一本原创作品的小册子,并在校园里公开阅读. 攻读英语学位的学生也被选中参加暑期, paid research projects with C艺术hage faculty.

Gain perspective through off-campus opportunities

除了 campus, 教师和学生经常前往密尔沃基和芝加哥阅读和戏剧表演. 每年秋天,我们会去Spring Green的美国演员剧院(American Players Theatre)一日游,或者去安大略省度过一个长周末,在备受赞誉的斯特拉特福德艺术节(Stratford Festival)上看几出戏.

Travel for j项 study tours
During our popular j项, a month-long period of study in January, 英语教授定期带领游学团前往伦敦和波多黎各等目的地. 英语系最近提供的游学活动包括波多黎各生态与文化写作之旅和语境中的作家:阅读简·奥斯汀的《bv伟德ios下载》.”


An 英语 degree serves as a springboard to any 职业生涯尤其是那些根植于批判性和创造性思维的人. 英语学生学到的技能可以应用于广泛的领域, making them valuable assets in the workforce.

Where do C艺术hage 英语 alumni go?
Our graduates now work in fields as varied as education, graphic design, 销售, creative 写作, 新闻, 和法律. 一些毕业生从事与文学和写作直接相关的职业, such as publishing, 编辑, 新闻, or teaching. 其他人将他们的分析和沟通技巧应用于市场营销等领域, public relations, 法律, 业务, and academia. 

Scholarships for 英语 and creative 写作 students

bv伟德ios下载每年向即将入学的大一新生颁发全额学费的历史/英语/创意写作奖学金. 这项奖学金颁发给对历史表现出兴趣和献身精神的学生, 英语, and/or Creative Writing, and is renewable for four years.

Learn more and apply